Saturday, June 14, 2008

Boy or Girl

Hola well my mom finds out what she is having the day after tomarrow (Monday) and i need you all to vote on whether you think it is a boy or a girl cause she doesnt know how to make a poll. so VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! well gtg bye B-) :P <3


Mariah said...

so i heard you went to highland and i go to HIGHLAND too! ps: i think and hope your mom has a boy cuz you only have a one bro bro and you have 2 sisseys and including you i will hope and pray that your mom has a boy boyee!

and make sure you tell your dad "HAPPY FATHAS DAY"!!!!!!!!! AND WISH HIM A GOOD DAY AND... HAVE A GOOD DAY! I LOVE YOUR SONGS SO MUCH!

Crissybug said...

I hope it is a boy. I know how much your mom wants a boy. Besides Thomas needs someone to play with.

Crissybug said...

BTW...I think it is funny that YOU know how to do a poll, but your mom doesn't! You should show her how.

Rachael said...

ya we want a boy too. my mom swears its a boy to cause she thinks she saw it in the last ultrasound.